The Bevan James Eyles Show - The Fitness Behaviour Podcast

Today, I want to share a surprising fitness lesson inspired by the classic 80s TV show Cheers.

I know what you’re thinking: "How could a show set in a pub teach me anything about fitness?"

Trust me, the lesson Cheers offers might just be one of the most important for anyone looking to get back on track with their health.

Curious? Listen to the show and find out what this beloved show can teach you about fitness.

Direct download: KAWB_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37am EDT

Do you think people need a harsh insult to lead a change into their life?


I got asked this question recently, and it really got me thinking.


Do we really need that tough love, or is there a better way to spark the

motivation we need?


In this week's video, I'll dive into this question and share what i feel works best when it comes to moving people towards change.

Direct download: The_Bevan_James_Eyles_Show_Episode_328.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:59pm EDT

Starting a fitness journey is an exciting step, but many people find themselves quitting soon after they begin.

It's disheartening because the initial spark of inspiration is there, yet something derails their progress, causing them to give up.


I believe the root of this issue lies in motivation.

Often, people make crucial mistakes that quickly drain their motivation, leaving them feeling defeated.


In this week’s video, I’ll be sharing the four key reasons why people lose motivation when incorporating exercise into their lives.


If you’ve ever struggled to stay motivated with your fitness goals, this video is for you.

Direct download: KAWB_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:13am EDT

The other day, I spoke with someone who was feeling really down about their body.


As we talked, they shared their plan to fix it.


But there was one big problem with their solution…


They weren’t addressing the real issue.


They felt bad because of a junk food habit, yet their solution was to hit the gym and lift weights.


In our conversation, we focused on tackling the root problem: breaking the junk food habit.


Sometimes, we know we need to make a change, but we don’t take the time to understand the real issue.


In this week’s video, I dive into our conversation and explore how you can get better at identifying and solving the real challenges standing in your way.

Direct download: Keep_Active_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32am EDT

The Worrying can steal precious moments of your life.


The time you spent worrying could be better spent on amazing activites like connecting with others, growing, relaxing, and so much more.


For many people, the challenge lies in not having effective strategies to manage worry when it arises.


I use specific method whenever i cath myself worrying about the future.


It helps me shift away from worrying instantly.


In this week's podcast, i share this method with you.


If worrying is stealing from your life, make sure listen to this.

Direct download: BJE_podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:17pm EDT


People who struggle with their health and fitness sometimes experience a 'Health Kick' moment.


This is when they decide to create change and devise a plan to achieve their goals.


The problem is, many of these people either don't start their plan or quit it very quickly.


There are many reasons for this, but I call one of them the 'Health Kick Problem.'


It essentially sets them up to fail from the start.


In this week’s video, I share what the 'Health Kick Problem' is and teach you how to avoid it in your fitness journey.

Direct download: health_kick_problem_podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:15am EDT

The Big Question…

Who Are You?

This profound question can be difficult to answer, and many people struggle to truly understand their authentic selves. 

In this week’s video, I delve into this topic, sharing my insights and perspectives.

Additionally, I present a challenge designed to help you feel incredible about yourself within the next 24 hours.

If you're ready to feel amazing, don't miss this podcast.

Direct download: Keep_Active__Who_Are_You.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23pm EDT

Do you find that your mindset works against you in life?

Does this make your life harder?

This week, I am sharing five powerful mindset tools that I use to keep my head in a healthy place.

If you need to work on your mindset, watch this video

Direct download: podcast_of_Kawb_5_Mindset_Tools.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:39am EDT

Are you dedicated to your exercise routine but not seeing the results you want?

It can be incredibly frustrating to put in the effort without seeing progress.

This week's video uncovers one of the main reasons this happens.

If you're not getting the results you expect, be sure to watch this video.

Direct download: podcast_of_kawb_-_pump_intensity.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52am EDT

When many people experience stress, they often resort to negative places or actions.


This means their response to stress has a detrimental impact on their lives.


Even though they might be aware of this, they continue to go to these places.


I refer to this as going to a 'familiar' place.


Here's how it works:

1. I’m feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and vulnerable.

2. I need to get away from this place within myself.

3. I go to a familiar place or engage in a familiar action to escape.


The problem is, if your 'familiar' place has a negative impact, you'll end up facing even more stress.

If this sounds like you, something needs to change.


I believe that nearly all of us need 'familiar' places in our lives; it's part of being human.


However, we need to develop ones that help us positively through tough times.


In this week’s podcast, I break down how familiar places work and how you can develop positive ones in your life.



Direct download: pod_of_kawb_-_familiar_place.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30pm EDT

Do you have a character strength that has been important to your moments of success?

You may see it as a part of your identity.

Here’s an interesting question:

Does this character strength restrict your achievements?

For some people, it does.

This week, I share the story of a person I was mentoring who was never achieving their ultimate goal because of their biggest character strength.

I also share how we identified this and what we did to help her achieve a goal she had been dreaming of for years.

Listen to this if you feel you are doing the work but aren’t achieving your goals.

Direct download: podcast_of_kawb_-_strength_and_weaknesses.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:11am EDT

Do you self-identify as sometimes lazy and unmotivated with exercise?


I often hear people that struggle with exercise describe themselves in this way.


One of the main reasons they are dissatisfied with their health and fitness is because they struggle with motivation.


This means they never create change and continue heading in the wrong direction.


To me, motivation should be one of the key focuses when you are aiming to bring regular exercise into your life.


There’s a strategy that I used called ‘motivation stacking’. It’s a powerful strategy that gets you to a place where you are ‘fired up’ to exercise and keep turning up...which means you get to the place where you are proud of your fitness.


If you feel lazy and unmotivated, make sure you watch this video to learn how ‘motivation stacking’ can help up your fitness.

Direct download: podcast_of_Kawb_-_Motivation_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37am EDT

There’s a money management rule that everyone should apply in their lives if they want to have a successful financial future.

It’s called ‘pay yourself first’.

This simple rule says that you should aim to put the first payment from your pay into your long-term investing.

People who follow this rule tend to end up in an amazing place with their finances.

Recently, I was thinking about this rule and how we should apply it to our ‘self-development’ time.

Imagine if you were to commit to the ‘pay myself my development time first’ rule in your life.

Do you think you’d be growing and building the life you love and desire?

In this week’s video, I break down this concept and how you can apply it to your life.

If you feel you need more development time for yourself, this video is for you.

Direct download: Copy_of_KAWB_-_10_rule.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15am EDT

Last weekend, I took on a physical challenge that I failed at.


It’s a challenge that I want to conquer, but I’m not sure if I can beat it—it’s that hard.


But because I love a challenge, I’m going to attempt it again.


So, I thought I’d share how I’ll approach taking on a challenge where there’s a huge amount of doubt.


If you sometimes shy away from challenging times or want to face big ones in your life, watch this video.

Direct download: podcast_of_kawb_-_I_failed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:13am EDT

Like most, I experience moments of insecurity…


These moments can lead to feeling consumed by my thoughts.


I have a tool that helps me quickly overcome this.


This week, I'm sharing this tool with you.


If you experience moments of insecurity, check out this video.

Direct download: podcast_of_KaWb_-_vision_board.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:03am EDT

Are you a good team member? 


Being in a team is a part of life.


Work teams, sport teams, your team of friends, and so on…


There are people who enhance the team, that takes the team to a higher place. 


Then there are those who restrict the team, sometimes in really negative ways.


This week I share a story that taught me about how to be a better team member and the 3 principles I uphold when I’m in that environment.


Listen to this video if you want to be a person that is a valued member within the teams you are in.  

Direct download: podcast_of_kawb_team_member.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45am EDT

Last weekend we had the Christchurch Marathon. It was an amazing day for our half marathon group.


We had the most PB’s we have ever had and some people had ‘once in a lifetime performances’.


I’ve been reflecting on why we had so many great performances within our team. There are things we know…


Our group training helps people get to their next level.

Our coaches are experienced and are amazing at guiding and supporting our runners.

Our runners care about each other and want each other to succeed.

Our programme prepares our runners for success.


After reflecting on this, and those of our runners who nailed their race, I realised there was a key to their performance that was common across these runners and it can teach us an important lesson about high performance.  


In this week’s video I teach you how you can become a higher performer in areas of your life that are important to you.

If you want to go to the next level, watch this video.

Direct download: podcast_of_KAWB_Half_Marathon_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41pm EDT

In New Zealand, the Covid lockdown period had a positive effect on many people’s fitness.


A lot of people who didn’t normally exercise suddenly had more time, so they used this time to go for a walk, a run or do some other form of exercise.


People were getting fitter, feeling good about themselves physically, and enjoying the benefits of regular exercise.


This could have been a life changing time….


But when life went back to normal what do you think happened?


These people fell away from the exercise habit they had built.


This lockdown period teaches some really valuable lessons around why people aren’t exercising and how things need to be done differently.


In this week’s video, I teach you a better way to approach bringing exercise into your life, in a way that can be maintained no matter what the conditions of your life may be.


If you aren’t exercising, you want to watch this video.

Direct download: podcast_of_Kawb_-_Covid_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35am EDT

The last quarter of a half marathon is tough.


As a coach, I want to make sure our half marathon runners know how to respond in a way that will:


1. Deliver the result they want

2. Help them make the best decisions in these tough moments

3. Get them to the finish line in a way they can be proud of


We have a mental technique we teach our runners which helps them win these tough moments and it’s very simple and effective!

This week I teach you this technique so you can get better at ‘winning’ tough moments in your life.

Direct download: podcast_of_kawb_-_when_i_get_to.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12pm EDT

Are you a career driven person or business owner that is compromising your health due to the demands of your work life?

If you are, this week’s video is for you.

I share some interesting, and scary insights that I gained from an interview I did recently, around the cost of not looking after your health when you are a workaholic.

If you know you are putting your health last due to your work, watch this video.

Direct download: podcast_of_kawb_-_business_story.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20am EDT

I'm keeping it simple this week.


I'm sharing a story from my life that inspired me to start a hobby that has been crucial to me.


If you feel you need something more in your life, this video is for you.

Direct download: podcast_of_kawb_-_guitar_story_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:23pm EDT

This week, one of our runners came up to me for some weight-loss advice.

During our discussion, I asked the question “Why do you think you are overweight?”.


It was obvious that they hadn’t thought about this question as they didn’t have an answer.


They looked a bit lost.


I suggested that they have to think about this and find a possible answer or answers, because it’s important to figure out the real problem/s lying behind this issue for them that may need to be solved.


A lot of people think a weight-loss journey is solely about food and exercise.

While these 2 things are important, there are often (and not always obvious) bigger problems to solve, and if you get on top of these you have a higher chance of success.


In this week’s video, I share why this is an important question to explore before you start a weight-loss journey and the steps you can take which will help set you on the right path.

Direct download: kawb_-_why_are_you_overweight.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15pm EDT

I was talking to a friend last weekend about his financial situation. 


He was telling me that he probably spends over 8 hours a week stressing about money.

This is massive when you think about it, it’s half the time you are awake within a full day!


The interesting thing about our conversation is that he’s in a great place with his finances.

It turns out that the finances aren’t the problem…


It’s that he’s missing 3 simple steps that would remove the stress from his life.


In this week’s video, I share our conversation and the 3-step plan that could help him remove a massive stress from his life.


If you are stressed, this may be a good watch for you.

Direct download: podcast_of_kawb_-_8hoursofstress.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:44pm EDT

Do you have an area of your life that you know you are very strong in?

It could be:

  • Career
  • Health and fitness
  • Being a parent
  • A hobby

Does being strong in this area hold you back?

You may be wondering what I’m talking about here...


I have this concept called ‘Because I’m great I don’t have to’.

It’s a concept that digs deep into how our strength can close us off to the work that can be done to take us to a higher level of self.

In this week’s video I talk about this concept and share how understanding it can lead to exciting next level versions of you.

Direct download: podcast_kawb_-_i_dont_have_to_because_I_can.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:07pm EDT

In my book, "I Will Make You Passionate About Exercise," I introduce the concept of four different types of exercisers.


They are:

  • The Non-Exerciser: This person has no exercise routine.
  • The Yo-Yo Exerciser: This person comes and goes from exercise
  • The Habit Exerciser: This person has a good routine that they know they can maintain, but sometimes aren’t achieving their desired change
  • The Thriving Exerciser: This person is in a place where they are growing and experiencing all the amazing benefits that come from regular exercise

Which one are you?


(If you are a Non-Exerciser or a Yo-Yo Exerciser, it’s worth getting my book which will give you a plan for how to become a Habit and eventually even a Thriving exerciser).


Recently, I realized there is a fifth type of exerciser, the highest level of all.


This is a level that not many can reach, but if you do, you'll become a legend with exercise.


In this week’s video, I reveal the fifth type of exerciser. Maybe it’s a level that you can aim for.

Direct download: podcast_5_types_of_exercisers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:56pm EDT

Do you feel guilty about the things you aren't doing to help yourself grow or overcome hurdles you face?

You are not alone in experiencing this.

Many people grapple with such guilt.

Unfortunately, instead of prompting actionable change, this guilt often merely exacerbates negative feelings.

There's a tool that I use to address this issue. It allows me to be realistic, fair to myself, and build trust that I will overcome challenges.

This week, I will share what the tool is and how you can also use it.

So, if you are sitting in guilt, check out this video

Direct download: podcast_Kawb_feeling_guilty1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:31pm EDT

Being true to the real me is important.

I like to feel aligned to my values and who I want to be in this world. 

To take that a step further, I want to evolve so I can learn higher levels of myself.

Every day, I have a powerful tool that I use that allows me to get to these higher levels.

In this week’s video I teach you this tool. I think you will get a lot of value from it.

Direct download: Podcast_of_KAWB_-_Values_tool_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26pm EDT

Here’s a fascinating statistic:

Over 80% of people never complete their New Year resolutions.

In fact, only 8% of people maintain them for the whole year.


There are many reasons why this happens, but to me, there’s one single massive mistake people make when they set their resolutions which leads to them quitting very quickly.

If you want to be one of 8% that achieve and stick to their resolutions, listen to this podcast. 

Direct download: New_Years_resolution_pod.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:49pm EDT